March 14, 2020
Dear APAHE community,
Out of concern for the safety and well-being of our community, and in light of recommendations and orders by the Governor of California, the Mayor of Long Beach, and the California Department of Health regarding public gatherings, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of APAHE 2020. We will follow up with those who registered soon via email as APAHE will issue a full refund for conference registration, and provide information concerning hotel cancellations as required by the Westin. We appreciate your patience as we process the conference registration reimbursements.
We stand in solidarity as our API community fights growing racism, xenophobia, and bigotry following the outbreak of COVID-19. As leaders in higher education, we must continue to support one another, even while we are asked to be apart. In the weeks and months ahead, let us be mindful that we are all part of a global community that cares about everyone and remains dedicated to everyone’s health and well-being.
We remain incredibly proud of the hard work of the APAHE 2020 Planning Committee and extend our heartfelt thanks to the many speakers and panelists who prepared to share their knowledge, expertise, and lived experiences. We are exploring the possibility for further engagement with the APAHE community before our next annual conference.
We were excited to move the conference to Southern California this year after many years of success in the SF Bay Area. We received a record number of session proposals this year, conference registration outpaced last years’ numbers, and hotel room reservations far exceeded our block room estimates. We look forward to carrying that enthusiasm back to Oakland in April 2021 as we had originally planned and contracted, and to Long Beach in April 2022 when we’ll once again be able to enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of an in-person gathering. Until then, we wish you good health.
With warmest regards,
Abe Ali, President
APAHE Board of Directors