APAHE 2020 Conference Updates

April 3, 2020 Thank you for your patience during the Covid-19 pandemic and cancellation of the APAHE conference. Due to the limitations of the Paypal platform, refunds will be “snail mailed” by check and not to the original form of payment used on Paypal. If you have not received a refund yet via Paypal, Grace..

2020 APAHE Conference Schedule at a Glance

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled You can find the 2020 APAHE Conference schedule with both pre-conference and conference sessions workshops below as a PDF or in text! 2020 APAHE Conference Schedule at a Glance (PDF) Wednesday, April 8, 2020 (Pre-Conference) 8 a.m. Pre-Conference Registration 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. All Day Sessions Option A: AANAPISI’s Are..

Session Highlights for APAHE 2020

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled Toward an Actionable Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Research Agenda: Connecting Research to Practice Friday, April 10 at 9:45 a.m. The Geography of Student Success: Re-Imagining Cross-Collaborative Research at Minority-Serving Institutions in Southern Nevada Friday, April 10 at 11 a.m. Both panels led by Robert Teranishi, Ph.D., Professor of Social Science and Comparative..

Register Online for the APAHE 2020 National Conference

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled Online registration is now open and includes pre-conference session details! Take advantage of the early bird rates, which are available until February 28. Conference Dates Pre-Conference: April 8 Conference: April 9-10 Early Bird Rates Conference: $300 for undergraduate students / $350 for professionals Daily Rate: $165 for undergraduate students / $200..

APAHE Mixers January 19

Mix and Mingle with APAHE Folks in California! Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education is happy to host a networking mixer in Northern and Southern California. Learn more about the organization and the upcoming APAHE national conference in Long Beach, CA this April! RSVP to NorCal Social January 19, 2–4 p.m. City College of San..

Confirmed Speaker for 2020 APAHE Conference: Karthick Ramakrishnan

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled Karthick Ramakrishnan is professor of public policy and political science at the University of California, Riverside, and founding director of the Center for Social Innovation. He holds a BA in international relations from Brown University and a PhD in politics from Princeton. Ramakrishnan is also a Board Member of The California Endowment, Chair of the..

Confirmed Speaker for 2020 APAHE Conference: Asiroh Cham

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled Asiroh Cham is a ~1.5 generation Cham American, born in a refugee camp in Thailand and has spent the majority of her life in California. In 2010, she co-direct a documentary in Cambodia on Cham genocide survivors in the midst of the U.N. backed tribunals to charge five significant senior Khmer Rouge..

Now Accepting Workshop Proposals for 2020 APAHE National Conference!

Note: APAHE 2020 Conference Cancelled APAHE 2020 Conference Proposal Submission Form APAHE in 2020: Representation, Resilience, Revolution Conference Dates: April 9-10, 2020 Long Beach, CA Click Here for APAHE 2020 Conference Proposal Submission Form Deadline Extended! Sunday, December 8, 2020 at 11:59 pm PST. Proposal Submission Deadline: Saturday, November 30, 2019 11:59 pm PST. Notification by Wednesday,..

LEAP – Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. Awards Celebration

Continuing our celebration of #AsianPacificAmericanHeritageMonth, we are highlighting another API leader who will be honored on July 18th at the LEAP Leadership Awards Celebration! Today, the spotlight is on Wyman M. Fong, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources for the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District. Wyman is responsible for the administration of human resource functions at..