Invite: Asian American Pacific Islander Presidents Roundtable, Sat. March 10, 2012, Los Angeles
Dear Asian American Pacific Islander leaders,
On behalf of the AAPI presidents and chancellors, we are inviting you to join us at our first Asian American Pacific Islander Presidents Roundtable to aspire and prepare AAPI deans, directors, VP’s, Provosts, etc. in becoming future presidents and chancellors. As a group of current and retired presidents and chancellors, we want to engage you in a serious, open, and informal conversation about our own successes and challenges, experiences with recruiters, and pathways to the presidency/chancellorship.
The American Council on Education is in support of our effort and has given us an opportunity to hold this first AAPI Presidents Roundtable at their annual conference in Los Angeles in March 10-12, 2012. You are certainly welcome to register for the ACE conference (optional), or just come to join our roundtable discussion on Saturday, March 10, 2012 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon at the JW Marriott, Diamond Salon 9, Platinum Level in Los Angeles, 900 West Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015. We hope you will accept our invitation.
In order for us to properly prepare for the event, we would appreciate you simply RSVP to Ding-Jo Currie at to accept our invitation. This roundtable session is free. You are also welcome to join us for a no host lunch afterwards. We look forward to recruiting the next generation of AAPI leaders. Please help us forward this invitation to other AAPI leaders.