Radical Hope: Leading with Love, Courage, and Action

Oakland Marriot City Center, Oakland, CA

April 4 and April 5, 2024

Conference Program Advertising Rates:
Size Dimensions Cost
Outside Back 7.5”w X 10” h $1000.00 (color – one only)
Inside Back 7.5”w X 10” h $800.00 (color- one only)
Full-page 7.5”w X 10” h $500.00 (b&w)
Half-page 7.5”w X 5”h $350.00 (b&w)

click here to download advertising form

Program Circulation
The official conference program provides a comprehensive guide to all activities and functions associated with the conference. This program has a life that extends well beyond that of the conference and of those individuals attending this significant Asian Pacific American educational event. It serves as a significant publication resource containing abstracts of workshops focusing on the theme of the conference as well as highlighting our conference sponsors, exhibitors, and vendors, and concerned advertisers like yourself!

Past conferences have attracted a significant amount of college and university administrators, professors, support staff members, and students representing institutions of higher education in the nation. Additional attendees include members of community-based agencies and governmental offices with a particular interest to Asian Pacific American issues.

Advertising Rules
Each advertiser is responsible for submitting a camera-ready copy of artwork and text. Electronic submissions of your ad are preferred in the following formats: JPG or PDF. Submissions are required to be provided with size dimensions as listed below. APAHE and the negotiated printer are not responsible for resizing artwork or “touching-up” the quality of the original line art being submitted. Upon the end of the conference, you will receive a copy of the program in addition to a tear sheet. Please complete this form and send with a cashiers check, money order, personal or institutional check payable to “APAHE”. Thank you in advance for your support of this event!

Advertising Deadline: February 23, 2024
Send the Form & Payment to:
1113 Peach Street
Alameda, CA 94501
Please email artwork to wymanfong@comcast.net
EIN: 94-3117122